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It’s Time for the Change of Season

Buckeye Shapeform

Summer is winding down, temperatures are dropping and the leaves start changing colors. Fall is just around the corner and before we know it, winter is here. As Mother Nature begins its seasonal change, businesses and products are following suite and changing too.

The approaching holidays are where we see products change to catch the eye of the consumer. The improvements become sleeker with new looks and include the latest features. Many televisions, laptops and other home electronics have started slimming down to thinner cases. These housings, or enclosures, reduce the overall weight of the electronic, allowing them to offer bigger screens, more internal components and overall, making them easier to transport.

For over 60 years, enclosures have been made from polycarbonate. This material has been continuously growing into new blends and plastic forms that allow for various attributes such as bulletproofing, flame retardant and high impact resistance; all of which are available in many different colors and shades.

Each year, products and features go out of style forcing companies to make updates and improvements. When your company is faced with the inevitable change, Buckeye Shapeform will be there waiting and willing to help, season after season. Call Buckeye Shapeform today to see how we can help you stay on the forefront of innovation change.