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Deep Draw Back to “Made in USA”

Buckeye Shapeform

With the deep draw market being represented on an ever growing global footprint, there is a continued evolution of risks, concerns and questions being asked. Partnering with an overseas manufacturer can only compound these as you have battle un-defined industry standards, different governmental regulations and the balancing of ethical business practices. Like it or not, you are vulnerable to these whenever you go outside the United States for your deep drawn manufacturing needs. The United States continues to lead all countries in safety, environmental and moral business practices across the board.

The poorly kept secret of China’s manufacturing sector growth has landed itself in the global hot seat… again. The first major violation report was reported through an article released by the Associate Press last September. The article discussed a Chinese supplier for Apple continued with violations of safety, environmental conditions and worker pay rules after being caught in April 2013. The second report was released a month earlier in August; the Australian government has imposed stiff securities on Chinese deep drawn stainless steel sinks manufacturers to be taxed an additional amount between 19% and 61% on imports. The decision is preliminary from the national Anti-Dumping Commission but instructed local Australian purchasers to evaluate individual contracted manufacturers.

Outsourcing partners outside a stable and regulated country puts not only your products at risk but your company’s brand and image as well. The U.S. economy has steadily been making a comeback. Although the U.S. is still battling through many challenges and obstacles, there has been some progress made.

By choosing to manufacture your deep draw or other metal stamping needs by an American company, Buckeye Shapeform, gives you a regulated product, produced in a safe manufacturing atmosphere, abiding to all environment laws and operates under an ethical business practice that dates back to 1902. We are an ITAR registered, American manufacturing company. Ready to meet your deep draw needs. Contact us today!